This is one of many common bankruptcy questions we hear from clients who are curious about the laws at play when filing for bankruptcy in Ohio. The simplest answer to this question is that there is no minimum debt required for bankruptcy in Ohio. Instead, whether or not you qualify for bankruptcy will depend on your individual situation. In addition to your debt load, there are other important factors...
While it seems like a distant, bad memory at the moment, for some time during the height of the pandemic, in-person court hearings for bankruptcy proceedings were stalled. Filing for bankruptcy online was the only option, as we discussed in a blog from that time. But now that things are much as they were pre-pandemic, what is the state of online bankruptcy filings?
Virtual Court Hearings –...
A typical divorce decree will spell out child support obligations and alimony and enumerate who is responsible for each debt listed. The divorce decree also divides any property between the couple. But many clients who come to us to file bankruptcy have already been divorced. Their question pertains to the court’s ruling. They’d like to know whether the amount they have been legally bound...
When you decide to file bankruptcy in Ohio, there are some top bankruptcy questions you will likely ask your Ohio bankruptcy lawyer. These could be questions like: Can bankruptcy stop eviction? What property is exempt? Does bankruptcy affect employment? You might even wonder if bankruptcy is the best course for you. The experienced chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyers at Hausen Law know that you’ll have...
You’re at a place where your debts are starting to pile up, and there’s no end in sight. That can feel really overwhelming, and tackling the issue can seem daunting. That’s why bankruptcy exists, and there’s no shame in taking control of your financial wellbeing and charting a clear path forward.
That said, it isn’t always easy. And there are plenty of moving parts...
Whether you’ve been through chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy in Ohio, coming out of the other end of the process can feel grim. Sure, you’re out from under the heavy weight of debt, but where to go from here? How can you begin a path toward credit recovery and establish a positive relationship with money moving forward? At Hausen Law, Ohio bankruptcy attorney James Hausen and his experienced...
If you’re facing eviction and find yourself in tough financial circumstances, you could be wondering if filing for bankruptcy in Ohio could help your situation. As is true with so many legal questions, the answer could be yes, no, or maybe, depending on your unique circumstances. In this article we’ll uncover the truth about eviction and both chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy.
There is a common belief that filing for bankruptcy in Ohio means that you will be left destitute; without debts, yes, but also without the things you need to live. Thankfully this persistent notion couldn’t be further from the truth. Since bankruptcy is a way to start fresh and get your financial feet under you again, it makes sense that individuals who file for bankruptcy in Ohio are entitled...
Homeowners who are considering bankruptcy in Ohio and see it as the only way to address serious financial issues could be concerned about whether filing for chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy will forestall a lender from foreclosing on their home. And rightly so–financial stress is hard enough and the threat of losing a home could be too much to bear. At Hausen Law our bankruptcy attorneys understand,...
There’s never a good time to have financial woes, but it’s especially troubling if you’re staring down debt in the hottest or coldest seasons, and the utility company threatens to shut off service. Financial struggles that prevent you from paying bills in full and on time can quickly lead to threats and notices from your local gas, water, telephone or electricity provider.
If you find yourself in a position where filing for chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy is the best way forward, you’re naturally going to be closely assessing your financial situation. As part of your bankruptcy filing process, you’ll work with your bankruptcy attorney and trustee to identify debts and other financial obligations that may be able to be discharged as part of the bankruptcy...
Many people in Northeast Ohio know what it’s like to live with the burden of serious debt. The anxiety and uncertainty it brings can be paralyzing and can negatively affect every area of an individual's life. Oftentimes this debt is incurred following life events that no one could have foreseen. Business expenses, tuition payments, medical debts, disability and layoffs are common culprits.
Bankruptcy is a legitimate way to get out from under what can feel like insurmountable debt. If your financial situation has led you to a point where bankruptcy was the only logical solution, we’re glad to hear that you took that option. But recovering financially from the inevitable credit hit after filing for chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy in Ohio can be a difficult task. That’s why...
If your financial situation has led you to a point where bankruptcy was the only logical solution to get out from under impossible debt, then we hope you took that path. Both chapter 7 bankruptcy and chapter 13 bankruptcy are legitimate legal provisions to help alleviate the strain of overwhelming debt. That said, recovering financially from the inevitable credit hit after filing for bankruptcy in...
As the holiday season quickly approaches, you’re likely stacking up charges for those once-a-year gifts and services. You could lean toward filing for bankruptcy protection to find relief from rising rates, fees, and non-stop credit card bills. But before you do that, read this–we’re sharing our expert insights. Much like addressing bankruptcy questions surrounding vacations, the...
Modern households tend to look very different than they did even a generation or two ago. Individuals living together might or might not be blood relatives, and the courts could rely on various standards when determining household size. But the fact of the matter is that this vital number is at the heart of any bankruptcy proceeding. Here’s the truth about household size and bankruptcy from a...
If you find yourself at a point where bankruptcy feels like the only way forward, you’re probably pretty focused on the here-and-now. At the same time though, you could also be wondering if or how a bankruptcy record could affect your future employment opportunities. Both are valid concerns, and taking a comprehensive approach to your current and future financial and employment situation is always...
There are several reasons why a person may decide to file for chapter 13 bankruptcy above any other type. Put simply, if you find yourself in what feels like insurmountable debt, but your income level and monthly disposable income disqualify you from filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy, then chapter 13 bankruptcy is generally your best option.
Chapter 7 is reserved for folks who not only carry heavy...
Bankruptcy and Vacation––It’s Down to Your Timeline
On its face, going on a vacation and then turning around to file for bankruptcy doesn’t make sense. In general, vacation can be deemed a luxury, and luxuries aren’t compatible with the somewhat austere methods involved with bankruptcy. But the key detail in this example is that the scheduled vacation is pre-paid.
Filing for bankruptcy at any time in your life can be a stressful, emotionally-taxing experience. But it’s never more difficult to take the bankruptcy route than when you also have long-term goals of buying a home or making another major purchase. You likely realize that bankruptcy can affect your credit score, but how much, and for how long?
Bankruptcy and Your Credit Score
First off, if...
More and more individuals are finding it difficult to both support themselves and pay off the debt that helped them get an education. This friction leads many to wonder about student loan debt in bankruptcy – what are the guidelines, and is it even possible? At Hausen Law, LLC our Northeast Ohio Bankruptcy Attorneys can help you tackle this common concern.
What to Do About Student Debt
If finances are tight and you need some cash in hand to take care of bills or necessities, a payday loan might seem like an easy answer. Reasoning that you are good for the money once your next payday comes around, a quick, small loan could be a tempting solution to an immediate problem.
But more often than not, fees and interest stack up fast. You may end up unable to repay what you’ve borrowed...
Types of debt and bankruptcy vary
Many personal loans can be discharged
Some debts will not be erased
When bankruptcy seems like the only way through, you’ll likely have a lot of questions. And whether you opt for chapter 7 bankruptcy or chapter 13 bankruptcy, a big question will be whether you can discharge, or eliminate your personal loans as part of the filing process.
All across Ohio, courts continue to be closed to the public due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. But many of our clients still need to initiate or finalize bankruptcy proceedings. To ensure that they are safe and well taken care of during these difficult times, increased use of technology is vital. But it could be a potentially stressful or frustrating experience for some. So we’re here to explain...
If you find yourself in a place where bankruptcy is the only way forward, you might wonder how the process will affect your personal belongings. An especially common concern is whether you’ll be able to keep your car. Here we will discuss the variables that come into play along with some smart steps and strategies to help you keep your car when filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy...
Can I Keep My Car if I File for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
Sometimes, bankruptcy becomes the only way forward. If you find yourself facing chapter 13 bankruptcy you’re probably anxious to know whether you can keep your personal belongings. This scenario is especially concerning if a vehicle is involved. Let’s look into a few factors you need to understand when considering chapter 13 bankruptcy,...
Sometimes it gets to a point where you are unable to pay your bills and are also unable to service your obligations. At this point, the right route to take might be a bit confusing because of the options available. You might have heard of debt consolidation, debt counseling, bankruptcy, and even mortgage modification. But which one is the right fit for you? In this guide, we’ll take a look at...
If you find yourself in the position of having to file for bankruptcy, you have a lot of work to do. Contrary to some opinions, people who end up in this situation are not necessarily bad at managing their money, many end up having to file for bankruptcy because of unforeseen circumstances. In America, this unforeseen circumstance is frequently a result of an unanticipated medical condition. Even if...
Sometimes circumstances can make bankruptcy the only option if you’re struggling with large amounts of debt. You could have an unforeseen medical condition that ended up costing you a fortune you didn’t have. If you own some type of property, someone could have become injured and won a lawsuit against you which you can’t afford to pay.
Whether you file for chapter 7 or chapter 13,...
Maybe you have been in a situation where you’ve had to consider it, but you were too afraid of bankruptcy and scared of the implications to file for one.
Many people’s fear of bankruptcy is based on what they’ve heard about the consequences that may follow. Thankfully, these fears are often unfounded.
The main thing that people fear is losing everything they have in the process....
You may have filed for bankruptcy in the past and may find yourself in a situation where you need to file a second time, but don’t know if you can or not. The good news is that there is no limit on how many times you can file for bankruptcy. There is just a limit on how long you must wait before you can file a second time.
No matter if this is your second or even fourth time filing for bankruptcy,...
Tax time is never the most pleasurable part of spring, this is especially true for those who owe the IRS. This time can be even more appalling if you’re unable to afford the entire amount you owe. In fact, the IRS can assess a late payment penalty, or add interest on the balance due. Unfortunately, when this occurs, you’re left paying much more than originally stated. Continue reading to...
In order to file for chapter 13 bankruptcy, an individual must first complete the bankruptcy means test. The means test is a form that the individual needs to complete in order to determine if they are eligible for bankruptcy and it will also impact the length of the bankruptcy itself. The bankruptcy means test is not a simple form, and many people make mistakes on the form, therefore being denied...
Sometimes good people fall on hard times. Medical bills, divorces or being out of work for an extended period of time can all cause someone to get behind on their bills, mortgage or repayments for loans. You are in a financial slump, but you are ready to get back on track and put your finances back together. Perhaps you have considered filing bankruptcy, but you are unsure if that is the best thing...
Many debtors find chapter 7 bankruptcy to be more favorable than chapter 13 bankruptcy because the former wipes out all outstanding qualifying debt while the latter requires the payment of some debts. While this sounds good on paper, it is not that simple.
Each bankruptcy option serves a unique purpose. For instance, a homeowner hoping to save their home from being foreclosed on will not find the...
While bankruptcy can eliminate some types of debt, not all types of debt are eliminated. Prior to filing for bankruptcy, be sure to know which debts are forgiven and which ones are not. Through chapter 7 bankruptcy and chapter 13, your credit card debt is forgiven for the most part. However, other types of debt, including alimony, child support, secured debts, student loans, and most tax debts may...
When you decide to file for bankruptcy, you’re going to be facing a few decisions to make. One such decision is exactly what type of bankruptcy you want to file for. There are two common types—chapter 7 and 13—as well as others (such as chapter 11) that are outside the scope of this blog. Most likely you will be deciding between a 7 and 13. To help you make your choice, here are...
A lot of times when a client first comes to me, they are coming to me as a last resort. They have already been sued and about to be garnished and there is a judgment lien on their real estate. Filing a bankruptcy would clear up all of their debts except for the exceptions stated in the bankruptcy. But what do you do with a judgment lien on your house? The creditor with the lien cannot collect on you...
Sometimes a client comes in for a bankruptcy consultation and during the consultation I find out that part of the reason they have a hard time making ends meet is they have a second mortgage on their house. I then explain to them that if they file a chapter 13 bankruptcy, they can strip the 2nd mortgage or Home Equity Line of credit (HELOC)off their house. Today I would like to talk about stripping...
In our last blog, we talked about how filing for bankruptcy can actually get rid of some of your taxes. But what if the taxes that would be discharged in your bankruptcy already have a lien filed against you? Would you believe you may still be able to get most of your tax lien debt discharged also? Let us take a look at this issue.
I had a case a couple years ago in which my client had several tax...
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